Beyond the Curriculum

Parmiter’s students benefit from a wealth of enrichment opportunities within the curriculum.  Our subjects page provides examples of these experiences, many of which are linked to the delivery of our curriculum.  

Beyond the curriculum, clubs and societies flourish; our aim is that every Parmiter’s student takes the opportunity to try new experiences and pursue those they enjoy. 

Our extra-curricular programme includes activities before school, at break time, lunch time and after school.  Our offer is extensive, inclusive and exciting; as well as sessions being led by our dedicated teachers, many Sixth Form students take the opportunity to establish and lead societies for their own year groups and the younger students.

Our sports clubs allow students to take part in recreational and competitive activities, and include the popular Parmiter’s Park Run.  Students with an interest in music are able to join orchestras, bands, choirs or ensembles at a range of levels. Our band room, the ‘Jam Jar’, is equipped with a PA, guitar amp, bass amp, keyboard and drum kit and is open to students at lunchtime.  Art Open Studio, Attenborough Club, Christian Union, Deutsch AG, Drama Club, FemSoc, ‘Book to Film’ Cinema, Touch Typing - these are just some examples of the range of opportunities available to our students.  A full programme of our current offer is available here.

The Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award Scheme is offered to students from Year 10 upwards.  Through DofE our students have fun, broaden their friendship groups, build confidence and gain valuable life skills.  Parmiter’s is enormously proud of the number of students who achieve their Bronze, Silver and the prestigious Gold awards each year.   The number of students who achieved awards during the last 12 months are as follows:

Duke of Edinburgh Awards Achieved 2023-2024
Award Bronze Silver Gold
Number of students  149 42 12

For the 2024-2025 academic year, we already have 121 applicants signed up for the Bronze award!

Students also have an opportunity to participate in a wide range of trips and visits, many of which are linked to the curriculum.  Please see a list of the trips and visits being offered for the 2024-2025 academic year here.