Economics & Business

In Economics & Business we aim to create an inclusive community of learning such that all learners, irrespective of their prior academic experiences and backgrounds, can excel.  In lessons, students can expect structured, relevant, engaging and challenging learning opportunities, alongside personalised support.  Our classrooms offer a welcoming atmosphere where, as the course progresses, students feel increasingly comfortable contributing their thoughts to discussion, especially about topical developments in economics and business.  In return, we expect students to work hard and participate fully in classroom activities, taking increased responsibility for their own progress over time.

Students will learn how the principles and practice of Business and Economics impacts the lives of individuals and of society. Students will study in depth the different models used in business and economics. By the end of the course, students should be confident about their own perspectives and on the path to becoming competent and thoughtful practitioners.

Both Economics and Business are ‘live’ subjects and students will be encouraged to keep up to date with current affairs, alongside learning about historical developments.  Students will be supported in developing detailed knowledge and understanding alongside relevant analytical and evaluative skills.  This will increasingly allow students to set out and apply theories to real world problems and assess their likely impact.

Beyond the curriculum, we aspire to recruit Year 12 and 13 students to organise a vibrant Business Society and Economics Society throughout the academic year.  Both will provide an opportunity for students in Years 12 and 13 to learn about topics of interest and engage in lively discussion and debate on controversial issues.  Each term, both societies will organise a topical debate aimed at Year 10 and 11 students.