Welcome to Year 7
The school has an experienced team of Year 7 staff to support students in their transition to Parmiter's and oversee students' care and welfare. They are here to support, advise, guide and help you and your child with whatever questions or concerns you may have as you adapt to life at secondary school.
Meet the Pastoral Team

Head of Key Stage 3

Head of Year 7
Our team will work together with Form Tutors, teachers and support staff to ensure that students have a positive transition to secondary school. We will support with behaviour, achievements and attendance whilst developing relationships with the families of our students. We are committed to doing our best to support you in supporting your child, and we really hope that you will engage with us actively and willingly in everything that we do, taking a keen interest in everything that your child is doing and supporting events and initiatives in school. We want everyone to feel as if they are a part of our community and that your child’s happiness and well-being are important to us.
Nemo sibi Nascitur: our values of community, aspiration and opportunity enable every individual to grow and flourish means a great deal to us all and, in time, will come to mean a great deal to you too.
Form Groups and Houses
There are eight Form groups in Year 7 and students will be in a group of students from different primary schools. Students will remain in the same form group throughout their career at Parmiter’s. Every student is associated with a House as part of our House system. This helps to create a family ethos and enables students to mix with other students from all year groups through House events and assemblies.
Each form group has a Form Tutor who will see the students at Registration every morning and take particular interest in the day-to-day matters that affect their tutees, including checking that their equipment and uniform is correct. They will register attendance, deliver a programme of form group activities and be a listening ear for any problems students may have. Form Tutors are the best people to ask about anything or contact if students have any questions or concerns.
We believe that our House system develops collaboration and unity, which we see as essential life skills for our students to take into the future. We encourage each student to participate in as many House events and competitions as they can throughout the school year. For further information, please click here.