Individual Chromebook Scheme
Welcome to our Chromebooks parent/carer information webpage
In April 2021, we sent out a survey asking parents and carers for their thoughts on our plans to enable every student at Parmiter’s to have one-to-one access to technology. We learned that:
- 85% of respondents were in favour of the move to individual Chromebooks
- 92% of respondents said that they understood the educational benefits of the plan.
The overwhelming positivity of the results from the survey have left us with no doubt that Chromebooks are the right choice for Parmiter's. From September 2022 all students will be using Chromebooks in Year 7 to 11 in school. We hope this webpage will act as a useful reference point for parents and carers regarding Chromebooks at Parmiter's School.
For any further questions not covered by the FAQ Document below, please get in touch using the following information:
- For enquiries about financial support, please email
- For enquiries about the purchasing portal, please go to
- For technical enquiries, please email
- And for all other enquiries, please email
Chromebook Support
Letters & Communications to parent/carers
24.05.2024 Individual Chromebook Scheme - Portal Open
24.05.2024 Deprovisioning Year 11 Chromebooks
22.05.2024 Individual Chromebook Scheme - Year 9 Expression of Interest
09.05.2024 Individual Chromebook Scheme (September 2024)
16.11.2023 Important Information re Chromebooks (Year 9)
Parmiter's Chromebook Loan Agreement
Students Chromebook Launch (May 2021)
Chromebook Survey Letter (April 2021)
ICT Teaching & Learning - Google Apps for Education
As part of our commitment to embrace technology, make the most of its associated educational benefits and work efficiently, Parmiter’s School uses Google Apps for Education. Parmiter’s students join millions of other students and teachers that are already using Google Apps at schools around the world. The service gives our students and staff access to a set of tools that supports teaching & learning, promotes collaboration and helps prepare students with the communication and digital literacy skills needed for life beyond Parmiter’s. To comply with GDPR and Google’s Terms of Service, we are required to get consent of parents/carers for students to access the Google Apps for Education service.
What’s included in Google Apps?
- Gmail: please note that emails sent from, and received by, students are monitored and recorded by the school as per our ICT policies.
- Google Calendar: this enables us to create and share calendars and offers an efficient way of organising and communicating events across the school.
- Google Docs: this allows students and staff to create and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings and forms. This also allows students to work collaboratively on projects in real time. Students will be able to access documents in school and at home, providing a seamless way of working.
- In addition to the above, there are a number of other third-party applications and services we will potentially use within Google Apps for Education to enhance teaching and learning, such use of third-party applications/services will be subject to stringent vetting as to suitability for student use.
What are the benefits of Google Apps and what’s included?
- Students can access Google Apps at anytime, anywhere. It is designed to work in any browser (Google Chrome, IE, Firefox etc.) and on any web-enabled computer or tablet. This provides access to email, calendars and documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher alternatives) from school or at home.
- Online storage means that no flash drives (memory sticks etc.) are required.
- Students can work collaboratively. During collaborative work, teachers can monitor the progress of each student and provide instant feedback visible to the group or to the individual.
- Online portfolios of work can be developed by students.
Within Parmiter’s School Google Apps service:
- There will be no advertisements and all work is kept in secure storage.
- All email communication and comments within collaborative work are monitored by Parmiter’s School.
- Work uploaded to Google Drive remains the property of the creator and Parmiter’s School; it is not copied or kept by Google if it is removed by the creator.
Student Access
Students will be shown how to use Google Apps for Education. They will be provided with unique usernames and passwords and we expect them to follow school policies for appropriate use of ICT when using Google Apps. The service is an extension of the school’s own network. The school has the right and ability to monitor user accounts for policy and e-safety purposes as well as having the ability to remove access to some or all Google Apps.
Summary for Parents
Google Apps for Education is an essential part of the curriculum and school life. Students without parental permission will forfeit the ability to participate in digital aspects of lessons and will not be able to use any of the IT features within the school, including access to student and shared drives, which could be detrimental to their education . School staff will monitor the use of Google Apps when students are at school. Parents/Carers are responsible for monitoring their child’s/children’s use of applications when accessing Google Apps from home. Students are responsible for their own behaviour at all times. By giving Parental Consent on the Student Admission form, consent is given for your child to access Google Apps for Education for the duration of their time at Parmiter’s School.